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  • Bellevue, WA - US 6 Apr



Eat the worlds bread

Hey I'm Echo,

Throughout my life I want to be taken to diffrent places across the globe. I want to go to bakeries in other countries. Even if you can't take me to a bakery in another country at least feed me some bread.

I also like eating chocolate!!!! YAY CHOCOLATE

Becises that I like to be obnoxious in quiet places, and like to run in circles flailing my arms in highly populated areas.

I hope someone can help me get to a bread shop. My absolute dream is to spend a day in a German bakery and get my picture taken there. If anyone can help me on my journey please help me out, or if you know someone going to another country pass me along.

Found by brianhi

April 6, 2012 | Bellevue, WA - US

This blipper was just born in a senior english class at Sammamish High School in Bellevue, Wa.