Looks like you found a BliPPer!

Keep the BliPPer you have found safe! It means a lot to someone. BliPPers have a life mission, and if you don't have time to help it along its life journey, we hope you will pass it to a friend or leave it in a public place where it will be found.

You can see where this BliPPer has been and where it wants to go just by filling in the form below. Please enter the ID code on the BliPPer you have found, a location that is as close as possible to where you found the BliPPer, give us a first name or nickname so we can see who found it, and also a couple sentences about how you found this BliPPer.

You can choose to create your own BliPPer after you log a find for this one.   Try it its fun!